850 Aquidneck Ave. Middletown, RI

From Downtown:  Take Memorial Boulevard past Easton's Beach.  Go through the first light at the beach (the road curves to the left).  Just before the second light, veer right onto the Rt. 138A exit.  This is Aquidneck Avenue.  Go up the hill & through the light at the 7-11 (you just crossed Greenend Ave. / Miantonomi). We are on the street level of 850 Middletown Commons, second office on the left. 

From Rt 138 / East Main Road:  Turn onto Aquidneck Avenue at the Bank of America intersection. We are on the street level of 850 Middletown Commons, second office on the left. 

Healing Arts Professionals
850 Aquidneck Ave.
Middletown, RI
Appointments can be made by calling our office 401.714.6111
schedule yourself